Cookies Consent

Monday, March 12, 2018

International Potluck

It was like a regular potluck except that it took place on Saturday from 1 - 5 p.m. !

And the foods were culturally authentic and even though it might look like regular cake or cupcakes, it all tasted exotic and delicious!
Usually these movable walls form one side of my classroom and the sanctuary is on the other side.  However, our students helped us move the heavy over 100 year old benches and set up three rows of tables.

There was lively conversation everywhere!

I was particularly impressed with how much effort the German LU church members put into engaging with our students.  I know the students and their family members really appreciated this interaction.

Here is our building neighbor talking with a new student, who is putting Greg and Jenny's little Ian to sleep.  Not only inter-cultural, but very inter-generational as well!

Children were everywhere.  This 3rd grader came up to me and said in perfect German, "This is the best meal I've ever had!"

Couscous came about an hour late, but many of us still enjoyed it.  Jack was surprised when his
neighbor from Afghanistan commented that he'd never tasted couscous before!  Their cultures are in some respects similar and in many very different.

This woman put hours and hours of work into a beautiful rice and chicken dish.  She even sent some home with us.

This young woman brought flowers in addition to couscous.

There was plenty of help.  I failed to take a picture of all the young girls who took care of all the dishes (all china!).  Above the men are removing tables and setting up the heavy benches.  Everyone agreed it had been a wonderful time together!


  1. Great to see you using the upstairs for the potlucks. And how wonderful to see so many new faces at FH - sure hope the program manages to continue!

    1. It seems like there are new faces every week. Sometimes, however, Greg tells me that it's actually a very "old" face from your days here. They come by to bring Greg up to date on their lives, often with good news, or they need help with forms etc... You know that scene!
