Cookies Consent

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

New foods

What is this?  It must belong to the cauliflower family, but isn't it interesting!  We saw it today as we bought our Valentine's Day ration of chocolate.  I'll buy one next time and try it.
We did buy a pomelo the other day.  It is really huge!  It looks like a grapefruit, but bigger than the biggest you've ever seen.  
And it tastes a bit like a grapefruit, especially when you eat the white pith.  It's mild and very tasty, like mixing an orange, a peach, and a grapefruit.  Delicious!    Jack thinks I should add that it costs about US $2.50 at our Turkish grocer.
Pomelos have 6 times your Vitamin C than daily requirement.
A pomelo tree takes 8 years of growth before seeds can begin to flower and grow fruit.
It's super healthy.  Just google it :)  

1 comment:

  1. Ruth, we have these in Montreal. The vegetable is Romanesco broccoli AKA Romanesque cauliflower -- use it the way you would cauliflower. Pomelos are so huge (and expensive) that I only buy them for special brunches, though you lose a lot to the thick peel. Glad you're enjoying discovering new things!
