Cookies Consent

Saturday, February 3, 2018


Today was Saturday and a highlight was certainly facetiming with our youngest daughter Cory and her husband Nathaniel.  And of course our darling Leroy and Ember were there too!  They showed us the four new kittens that had been spayed and now are staying inside in a dog cage in the living room.  Very cute - kittens and grandchildren!

Ember read us an easy reader and Leroy showed us all the posters he'd made for the upcoming Super Bowl.  If it's up to his enthusiasm, the Eagles will definitely win :)

Jack spent the whole morning continuing to work on the room in the basement.  He'll tell you all about that at some point.  Harry and Peter, men from the congregation, asked him to join them in this venture.  As often as possible the youth help.  I know they'll be painting.  And when it's done it'll be their room.  Jack is really bonding with these two and learning a lot about how some things are done differently here (eg. electricity).
In the afternoon we had our first guests for Kaffee und Kuchen.  I meant to take a picture of Ruthild and Puran, our upstairs neighbors who have been very generous to us.  Too busy serving yummy cheesecake and Streuselkuchen from a nearby bakery.  It's considered good form in Germany to serve bought cake!  We had a long chat and got to know them a bit better.

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