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Thursday, April 5, 2018

brief reflection on Easter

In our local shopping center there were traditional Easter decorations.  German Easter rabbits are rarely the cute bunnies we have in the States, but rather hare - type rabbits.  This is a scene with a teacher rabbit and his pupils.

The weather is getting milder and there are lots of colorful flowers in homes and when shopping.  A week after Easter the forsythia are now in bloom.  Jack took the above picture trying to capture the many babies, but I'm using it to show flowers :)

Just like this fallen rabbit gardner (so funny!) our plans for Easter did not pan out. We invited all our students to an 8:30 church service followed by a big German breakfast in the fellowship hall.  I signed up for meats, which meant I bought lots of slices of ham for the Mennos and various halal cold cuts for my students.  My sister and husband were here to enjoy the breads, cheeses, smoked salmon and boiled eggs as well, but none of our students showed up.  We don't know if it was just too far out there to attend a Christian service or if it was just too early.  I was disappointed.  It is a reminder of how far apart our lives actually are.

1 comment:

  1. Der umgefallene Hase ist ganz lustig! Hast du je heraus gefunden warum keine zum Feier gekommen sind? Schade.
